Tender Mistakes: 7 Deadly Tender Sins

June 27, 2019 12:29 pm by Telco Build

Tender mistakes can mean you miss out on winning the tender. Maybe you committed one of the 7 deadly tender sins?


There is nothing worse than pouring time and energy into a tender response, only to be greeted with silence. Deep down you know that your company could have handled the job with ease and you thought that you'd be in with a chance, but still, no response.

Maybe you committed one of the 7 deadly tender sins?

These tender mistakes can harm your tender submission, so read on to learn how to avoid them. 

#1 Lack Of Preparation

Typically, the tendering organisation will have a process to follow to decide who to award the tender. If you leave your response preparation too late or rush through it, you're likely to miss important details or miss critical deadlines. 

Start preparing your response as soon as possible. 
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